Refunds & Returns

Can I return my goods and get a refund?

We want you to love your Summersinc prints, but if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with them, simply contact us and return the item(s) to us within 14 days of the order date along with your original invoice. If you have any issues or complaints or your order simply hasn’t arrived please contact us WITHIN 14 DAYS, for a replacement or refund to be issued.

We cannot accept returns on any framed pictures as these are made to order.

We ask that the item(s) you send back to us are in the same condition we sent them out to you and in the original packaging.

Your refund will be credited in the same manner and to the same account used to make the original purchase.

We regret that we are unable to refund the postage costs for returns.

How long will it take to process?

We process a refund or exchange within 5 working days of receipt of your return. We will email you confirmation of a refund or send a replacement.

If for any reason it has been more than 5 working days since we received your return, please email us on: quoting your name, address and order number and we will follow up within 48 hours.

What if my order is damaged?

Please accept our apologies if the item(s) you have received is not what you originally ordered or is damaged in any way. Please email us within 5 working days with your name, address, order number and photos of the damaged item(s) and let us know if you would like a full refund or a replacement which will be sent out again standard delivery and free of charge.

Can I change or cancel my order?

If we haven’t yet posted your item(s) then you can email us quoting your name, address and order number to change or cancel your order and request a full refund.

Caring for your Product

We pride ourselves on the high standard of our products and ensure that everything that leaves the design studio is to the highest standard possible. This covers printing and packaging. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for the products in transit (please see our returns and
refunds page for this information).

Looking after your Summersinc Product

Here at Summersinc we pride ourselves on the high standard of our products and ensure that everything that leaves the design studio is to the highest standard as possible. This covers the printing and packaging. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for the products in transit (please see our returns and refunds page for this information).